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How long do you plan to holiday in Sri Lanka?

How much would you expect to pay (on average) for accommodation per night?

What type of hotel do you prefer?

Does the hotel need to have anything specific? 

How many in your party?

(as we travel as a 'mature couple' we have very few suggestions for families with small children) 

How many rooms do you need?

Sri Lanka has a number of attractions/places to visist please rate these in order of preference

(1 being the most preferred and 5 being the least preferred)

Coast (beaches)


Mountains (hill country)


National Parks (wildlife/safari)


Cultural (temples, fortress)


Shopping (gems, batik, souvenirs)

What "type" of holiday are you looking for?

Energetic!  An itinerary jam packed with daily sightseeing excursions and travel.  An average one night stay at most destinations.


Moderate.  An itinerary with a mix of sightseeing and some relaxation.  An average of a 2 night stay at most destinations.


Relaxed.  Your itinerary will include a few select destinations with stays of 3+ days at each.

Is there anything else you think I should know.  e.g. are their any "must do's" such as things you have heard about Sri Lanka that has to be included (kitesurfing, gem shopping)?  Do you have any mobility or dietary requirements?  

Thanks for submitting!

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