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  • Writer's pictureSL Hidden Treasures

Sri Lanka Hidden Treasures - sample 9 day itinerary
Follow the blue line!

So you've chosen Sri Lanka as you next holiday destination. Now the question is . . . . how do you decide where to go?

There is so much to see and do in on this fabulous island, it's hard to know where to begin when it comes to planning your holiday. So to make it easier, I'm putting together a series of suggested itineraries, to whet your appetite.

Not your stock standard routes; I've tried to add in some the more unusual and (sadly) often missed treasures as well as covering a selection of 'must see' locations

The hotels I've suggested are tried and tested. I have stayed at them all as a full paying customer, so there is no obligation for me to say 'nice' things about them. I've also included travel times as a guide. Add another 30mins or an hour for traffic, pit stops etc.

9-10 night Itinerary - 3 days Culture, 3 days Safari, 3 days Beach

Day One:  Arrival.  Most flights arrive late at night - which leaves you with two choices:

1. Stay overnight at an Airport/Negombo hotel and essentially 'waste' a day OR

2. Have a car collect you and spend another couple of hours traveling  to your destination (it's far easier and faster traveling at night).  You'll arrive at your hotel in the early hours of the morning.  Grab some sleep, get up and have a late breakfast and start your holiday. (Note you will need to book and pay for your hotel for the whole night - despite an early am arrival - but you'd have paid for an overnight airport stay anyway!) 

This travel plan assumes you will choose the latter . . . .and thus this is a nine night itinerary

- Travel to Anuradhapura (3.5 hours) - Early AM check-in (grab a few hours sleep in your amazing Villa!) - Late Breakfast at hotel 

- Ancient City Tour (UNESCO Heritage listed) Entrance Fee: USD25

- Take and early evening stroll or bike ride around hotel surrounds (say hello the the horses, turtles and peacocks) then come back and take a dip in your private pool!

- Dinner at hotel

Suggested Hotel:  Ulagalla by Uga

Day Two

- Breakfast at hotel

- Travel to Dambulla (1.5 hours) - Visit Dambulla Caves on route to hotel Entrance Fee: Rs1500 approx USD9

- Lunch at Countryside Spice Garden (visit the spice garden and gem mining exhibits) - Dinner at hotel (be prepared to be spoilt with a sumptuous meal)

- Overnight Dambulla Hotel Suggested Hotel:  Lake Lodge

Day Three - Visit Sigiriya Rock (before breakfast as its cooler and less crowded)

Entrance Fee:  USD30 

- Return to hotel for a late brunch

- Afternoon at leisure (relax by the pool and let Michel's team look after you)

- Dinner Heritance Kandalama Hotel -a renowned Geoffrey Bawa property (a famous Sri Lankan Architect)

- Overnight Dambulla Hotel

Day Four                                                                                       

- Breakfast at Dambulla Hotel - Travel to Gal Oya National Park (3.25 hours)

- Lunch at hotel - Take a guided evening Nature walk with one of the lodge's naturalists - Overnight Gal Oya Lodge Suggested hotel: Gal Oya Lodge

Day Five                                                                                 

- Breakfast at Gal Oya Hotel - Boat Safari (2-3 hours boat safari plus 1.5 hrs scenic drive) USD125 plus tax per person (min 4 persons) - Lunch and Dinner at Gal Oya Lodge - Overnight Gal Oya Lodge

Day Six

- Breakfast at Gal Oya Hotel

- Walk of Discovery with the Chief Veddah (forest dwelling indigenous Sri Lanka people) (1-2 hours) USD 45 plus tax per person

- Lunch at Gal Oya Lodge - Travel to Pottuvil Point (2 hours) - Evening walk along the beach (take the puppies with you!) - Overngiht Pottuvil Point Hotel Suggested Hotel:  Kottukal Beach House by Jetwing

Day Seven

- Breakfast Pottuvil Point - Day at leisure (relax by the pool, explore the beach, unwind and enjoy the sun and the surf) - Overnight Pottuvil Point Hotel

Day Eight                                                                                       

- Breakfast at Pottuvil Point Hotel - Visit Arugam Bay

- Lunch at Arugam Bay restaurant

- Afternoon at leisure

- Overnight Pottuvil Point Hotel


Day Nine

- Breakfast at Pottuvil Point

- Travel to Batticaloa Airport (3 hours) - Fly to Colombo International Airport (ETD:  3.30pm

ETA 5:15pm)  USD230.00 Cinnamon Air

- Overnight Negombo Hotel OR co-ordinate

departure flightfor after 9pm**

** most flights leave on or after midnight so an the domestic flight arrival time works well!

How much????

Based on non-negotiated, and estimated prices (as at the time of writing this article) this itinerary will cost approximately USD1400 to 1500 per person  (or USD150 per person per day) the pricing includes:

- Ground Transport - Hotel accommodation in some really lovely hotels (including breakfast) - All Entrance Fees and listed activities - Domestic Flight from Batticaloa to BIA

The only thing you need to add is food and booze.

Tip 1:  You can bring in 1.5 litres of spirits and 2 bottles of wine per person - duty free.  Keep your bar bill under control and bring in your allowance - some places charge corkage - but that doesn't stop you having a pre-dinner 'tipple' in your room! Kottukal Beach House is unlicensed, so they are happy to serve you your own spirits and wine.

Tip 2:  Keep your food budget in check by enjoying a large late breakfast  (included in your room rate) and skip lunch.  Your can then enjoy an indulgent dinner.  Most of the hotels on the recommended list have great menu choices.

And of course, if your budget is a little more modest you can consider ditching the domestic flight (although it will be a long haul from Pottuvil to BIA - about 8 hours by car).  You could also select a less opulent hotel in Anuradhapura (although Ulagalla is certainly worth the indulgence) The Aryana Boutique hotel looks nice.   I've not stayed there but at USD 77 / night and good reviews it might be worth checking out.   Making those two changes would reduce your daily per person budget to around USD110.

There are a myriad of other ways to spend 10 days in Sri Lanka. If you're looking for a more personalised trip, then I'd be happy to help. A 7-14 day itinerary (including on-line support via Whatsapp for the duration of your holiday) is only USD145. I'll give you two options to choose from based on your preferences and then we will work together to refine your trip, and make it perfect! Check out my website or simply email me at and we can take it from there!

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.

Stay tuned for more itineraries in the coming weeks.

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  • Writer's pictureSL Hidden Treasures

Sri Lanka is a amazing island and it certainly packs a holiday punch.

On an island about the size of Tasmanina, lives the population of Australia (22M) and it offers everything you could want from a holiday destination.  You can be walking along a deserted beach one moment, relaxing in the cool climes of tea hills the next.  Visit a world heritage listed ancient city or safari through untouched rain forests in search of an elusive leopard. 

Looking for a little adventure, look no further than Sri Lanka.

Most blogs or travel articles I've read infer that the holiday experience is slanted towards, if not solely for, backpackers.  They discuss hostel accommodation at $20 a night and 100 ruppee (80c) rides on often crowded and rickety buses.  By all means you can see the sites on the cheap but it‘s not the only option.

Great Affordable Hotels With my backpacking days well behind me, my holiday wish list comes with the desire for privacy, comfort and a little luxury, at prices that wont break the bank.  And Sri Lanka has that in spades!   

The term 'affordable luxury' comes to mind. You can book a 4 star hotel for around AUD85.00 - 100 a night including breakfast and taxes (3 star are even less - perhaps not so luxurious).  Better still there are fabulous boutique hotels, B&B's and home stays popping up all over the island.  These are smaller more intimate and less commercial places, with great hosts and service and they can be found for as little as AUD135.

Tip:  if you go direct to the hotel you will almost always find they will offer a better rate than the booking sites (agoda, expedia, trivago and such ) These sites charge a whopping 25-30% commission. If the hotel receives a booking direct they save that commission and will often pass some of that saving onto you.  It requires a little more admin and planning, but it is certainly worth it in the long run.

Comfortable Chauffeur Driven Transport So we've established you can stay at a really nice hotel for a reasonable price; what about getting around?  Here in Sri Lanka, you don’t have to worry about public transport or sticking to someone else's schedule.  A chauffeur driven car is well and truly affordable. At AUD60-70 per day, you can relax and enjoy the view and let someone else worry about the driving and directions.  Book a car for the entire trip and you'll no doubt be able to negotiate a good deal.  The flexibility (and luxury) of having the car and driver on call means your holiday can run at your own pace and deviate as you please. Check out my blog

for more information on car hire and what to expect.

Indulgent Itineraries 8-14 day itineraries that are typically suggested by travel agents, in my opinion, try and pack in too much.  As I said earlier - Sri Lanka has a myriad of things to see and do ; just don't try and do it all in one visit.  A hectic schedule means you'll spend more time on the road rather than enjoying the sights.  Distances between sights or hotels are short; however travel time is longer than you'd expect.  The roads whilst good, are single carriage way - so you're sharing the road with buses, tuk-tuks, tractors, cows, motorbikes and more - making travel slower.  When you build or review an itinerary, keep travel times between hotels (according to Google) to around 2.5 hours.  There is only one person I know who can actually achieve Google's estimated travel times (and sometimes beat them) - my husband - and tourist drivers like take it a lot slower to ensure a comfortable drive.   2.5 hours on Google translates 3+ in reality depending on the time of day you travel and where you are; add in a pit stop and some sightseeing and you're looking at 4 to 4.5 hours on the road.  Thus, where possible, I'd recommend a minimum 2 nights in any one place; you can spend your arrival evening at leisure, sightsee the following day and have a leisurly breakfast on your day of check-out (most hotels have a 10 or 11am check out time) before traveling to your next destination.

An alternative is to fly, using a local light or sea-plane service, cutting travel time down considerably and giving you the chance to see the island from the air.  Cinnamon Air

has reasonably priced scheduled flights (eg Colombo to Kandy is around AUD225 per person) and slightly more expensive charter flights.  Consider including one or two on your trip.

There are a few ways to design your itinerary, one way to plan is to first decide what 'type' of holiday you want.

Romantic, relaxing, adventure;

Slow, medium or fast paced;

Culture, Beach, mountains, safari

Use the questionairre

(from the itineraries menu) I've developed to help you narrow it down.

Once you've determined your choices, then you can start to design your trip.  It really is impossible to do everything on your first visit. I've lived here for 7 years and we are still uncovering places to go. If you only have a couple of weeks then I'd suggest picking two options, three at a stretch.   Say beaches, culture and mountains, or culture, safari and beach.

Many hotels are destination hotels, where the property itself has something more to offer than a just a bed and a buffet breakfast.  Lets face it, one of the most expensive items on your holiday budget is hotel accommodation, so you want to make it count. Enhance your holiday by choosing hotels that encapsulate your destination; a house on the beach, a houseboat on the lake or a lodge inside the safari park.  They are all available and all affordable.

I've put together some sample itineraries which I will be sharing over the next few blogs, that flow well and although not personalised, will give you a taste of Sri Lanka should you choose to follow one of them.

Of course, if you want help to create a truly unique experience, I’d love to help.  Head to, choose your itinerary length and answer the questionnaire and we'll take it from there.

Comments are always welcome!

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Picture: Negombo Beach at sunset

Sri Lanka is a fabulous holiday choice! Whether you find a stylish villa on a deserted beach and kick back for a couple of weeks or travel around the island exploring the diverse culture and landscape there are a few things you need to do /know before you head to this tropical paradise.

1. Do I need a visa?

All foreign nationals are required to obtain a visa before artival.

You must also apply for your visa on line at

Sri Lanka no longer provides a “visa on arrival” service. Fortunately the on line process is quick and easy. Make sure you apply at least 3 days (preferably more) before you travel. Most visas are approved in 24hours however it’s just better to give yourself some leeway, in case of a glitch.

A 30 day tourist visa costs USD 40.00 per person. Until 31Jan 2020 there are a number of countries that are exempt from paying. Yes! Visa’s are free for the next few months - so start packing! The list below is a screen shot from the official website

Even If you qualify for a free visa. You must still apply on line. You just don’t have yo pay anything at the end of the process.

if you want a visa for more than 30 days, you must first get your online visa, come into the country and nearing the expiry of your 30 day visa, go to the Department of Immigration and apply for an extension. You’ll need a passport photo, a completed visa extension form, proof of a ticket showing your planned departure date, and proof you have sufficient funds to support yourself.

2. Do I need vaccinations and other medication?


Sri Lanka has been Malaria free for several years, so there is no need for to obtain any prevention medication.

It is a good idea to bring a personal insect repellent with you. You will find a sunset cocktail a lot more pleasant if you are not annoyed by mosquitos. Most hotels are either air conditioned and / or come equipped with a mosquito net, so you should get a comfortable nights sleep, but you don’t want to be stuck indoors at dusk, when the sky puts on a shoe, for the want of a spray of aeroguard!


It might be worthwhile throwing some stomach settling medication in with your toiletries, just in case. If you are planning on whale and dolphin watching, the seas can be a little rough, so an anti nausea pill could come in handy. You will also most likely spend a reasonable amount of time travelling by road, so if car sickness is an issue for you, bring something to help. TIP: A quick remedy to settle your stomach ... a large shot of any brown spirits (whiskey, brandy, Arrack) will settle your tummy down.


Sun block is an absolute must! The sun shines for 12 hours a day, everyday, and it’s quite strong. Umbrellas are used here daily - for rain and sun, so pack your favourite SPF cream and a hat! Forgot to pack it? Try the sunscreen range from SPA CEYLON. They have shops and outlets all over the island and their products are amazing.


To my knowledge there are no compulsory vaccinations required for Sr Lanka. If you want to be super cautious then you could get a shot for Hep A and Tyovoid although I’ve been here for 7 years and have yet to come across a case of either.

3. Do I need Travel Insurance?

Travel a insurance is always a good idea, and travel to Sri Lanka is no exception. Lost luggage, cancelled flights and an unforeseen illness or accident are so much more easily managed knowing the costs are covered. Make sure you read the fine print and you are covered for the things that are important to you.

4. Should I buy a local SIM and data?

YES! You will be offered a free local sim by several telcos on arrival. Take up the offer and buy one of the many, very reasonably priced, data packages. Public WIFI is not common here, you will find it in hotels and some restaurants. Just bear in mind you’ll be sightseeing, on the road or on the beach for much of your holiday and you’ll want to stay in touch. It’s also easier and cheaper to communicate with your driver, your hotels etc by voice, with a local sim. International calls are charged to the receiver as well as the caller and can be pricey for locals.

There are two main carriers DIALOG and MOBITEL. Both have good coverage. both have booths in the arrivals hall at the airport . Steer clear of the other providers - they won’t have the coverage you’ll need.

5. What should I pack?

The average temperature doesn’t change much from month to month - come prepared for a hot humid climate and temperatures of around 27 to 30 degrees (And it doesn’t drop by much after sunset). The hill country gets a little cooler, around 15 degrees at night, so pop in a light sweater or shawl for the evenings. You’ll no doubt be visiting a temple or sacred site and you will be expected to have your legs and body covered (both men and women) so keep a sarong handy if you prefer to travel in shorts.

Keep an eye out for other tips and Information. Check out for more. If you need help planning your holiday - get in touch via the website or at

Picture: Beautiful Tea Country

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